スタッフ紹介|OUR TEAM

三谷 優衣子|Yuiko Mitani
支部マネージャー|Branch Manager
Yuiko participated in The Climate Reality Leadership Corps 2019 Tokyo training, and joined the team to establish the Japan branch in 2021. Her interest areas include climate justice and human rights issues (in particular, labour rights and gender issues), as well as DEIJ and community-based approaches. Originally from Kanagawa, Japan and studied at Nottingham Trent University in the UK.

渡辺 由希|Yuki Watanabe
エンゲージメント・コーディネーター|Engagement Coordinator
Yuki is a part-time office worker living in Hokkaido.
Back in 2019, while studying psychology at university, she joined a social movement about sexual violence, which was her research topic, and realized that "if ordinary people like me gather, society can change." Later, when she became aware of the climate crisis, she thought that “despite not being an expert or anyone special, I should take action.” Therefore, from 2020, she began participating in strikes like FridaysForFuture.
Currently, alongside her part-time job, she continue advocacy work with organizations supporting sexual violence victims. Simultaneously, with CRP Japan, she works toward the mission of achieving climate justice and a fair society. She deeply understands the importance of diverse people coming together to take climate action collectively and provides support for that cause.
It's you and me - the ordinary people who can change the society!

グエン・キエウ・アン|Nguyen Kieu An
Coming from Vietnam, Kieu An is currently a final year student at Okayama University.
She has become a Climate Reality Leader since 2023 and is a passionate advocate for climate justice in the Global South, or vulnerable people, as an intern at CRP Japan. Interested in policy negotiations and the importance of amplifying civil society voices, she is one of the youth candidates in Japan to draft policy recommendations on climate change migration in the Japanese Youth Statement to be submitted to YOUNGO, the Youth Committee of the UNFCCC, leading to COP28.
Climate justice is social justice. Together we can work to bridge the gap between environmental responsibility and the need for a just and sustainable society!

グエン・ヴィエト・クオン|NGUYEN VIET CUONG
Originally from Vietnam, Cuong is a second-year international student at Shizuoka University.
Although he was born in Hanoi, his hometown, where most of his relatives still live, is in Central Vietnam—a region increasingly vulnerable to climate change impacts such as flooding and typhoons. Having witnessed the adverse effects on his family and community firsthand every year, he has developed a strong commitment to addressing climate change, which began during his high school years.
Since September 2024, he has been interning with CRP Japan, where he’s dedicated to enhancing climate change awareness and promoting effective action. His role will involve spearheading initiatives, organising events, and developing strategies to engage and mobilise stakeholders in response to climate challenges.
The Climate is Changing, and so must we!
日本のクライメート・リアリティ・リーダー|CLIMATE REALITY LEADERS
The Climate Reality Project offers traininsg to empower and engage "Climate Reality Leaders" (volunteers). The worldwide community of Leaders currently totals 47,806 people from 191 countries and regions. In Japan, there are 877 Climate Reality Leaders (as of March 2024).
Our Climate Reality Leaders are taking climate action in various communities - businesses, municipalities, civil groups and schools across Japan. This page features some of our Climate Reality Leaders.

曽我 美穂|Miho Soga
lace of residence/activity /Toyama Prefecture
Since childhood, I have been interested in environmental issues. Alongside working in public relations at an English school, I began my career as a writer. In 2008, I became an independent freelancer, working as an eco-writer, editor, and translator. My work includes research, writing, editing, and translation on environmental, social issues, and sustainable living for magazines and websites. In my personal life, I am a mother of two children born in 2009 and 2012. Currently residing in Toyama Prefecture, I find joy in spending time in nature, whether by the sea or in the mountains. As a CRP leader, I am a member of the Climate Education group, aiming to spread awareness about climate change and its solutions to a wider audience. Interacting with other leaders is enjoyable and provides significant inspiration.

太田 知明|Tomoaki Ota
lace of residence/activity /Chiba Prefecture/Kanagawa Prefecture
As an orthopedic surgeon working in hospitals and providing home care, I also serve as a board member of an NPO named "Midori no Doctors" (Green Doctors). In this role, I’m involved in activities aimed at addressing climate crises through the healthcare sector. These activities include raising awareness about planetary health, reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the medical sector, making policy recommendations, and collaborating with international organizations.
From 2012 to 2014, I embarked on a two-year journey around the world carrying a backpack, volunteering at hospitals in developing countries. Through this experience, I became a voice for those in developing countries and for the flora and fauna affected by climate change, who often cannot speak up for themselves despite being disproportionately impacted. Motivated to address climate change issues, I became a CRP leader and am currently part of the Biodiversity Impacts group!

鈴木 康平|Kohei Suzuki
lace of residence/activity /Tochigi Prefecture/Tokyo
I’m involved in education, research, and social activities related to the environment throughout the school at the Jiyu Gakuen Environmental Culture Co-creation Center. Since 2022, I’ve been visiting the school's farm in Nasu with students approximately once a month to practice and research RO farming methods. I aim to explore pathways for solving the issue of climate change through environmental regeneration.
I’ve contributed to the books "Living in the Era of Climate Change" (published by Yamakawa Publishing, co-authored) and "30 Ways to Protect the World from Climate Change" (Godo Publishing, co-authored).

河村 渉|Wataru Kawamura
lace of residence/activity /Tokyo
I am engaged in the calculation and verification of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for Japanese companies (Scope 1, 2, 3). In my previous position at CDP (an international environmental NGO), I supported companies in disclosing information related to climate change and other environmental issues. At CRP, I participate in initiatives to support companies in their efforts against climate change and promote decarbonization and efficient energy use in society.
Climate change is a global issue, and while the impact of individuals may seem small, collectively we are all contributing to harming nature. I believe that each of us should cherish the environment, contribute to its restoration, and pass it on to future generations.

本多 牧生|Makio Honda
Place of residence/activity / Kanagawa
I am a Chemical Oceanographer at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC). I became an oceanographer when I was a child because I admired Dr. Jacques Yves Cousteau, a French oceanographer. I now spend 1-2 months each year aboard an oceanographic vessel collecting and analyzing seawater, marine particles, and plankton to study how the oceans absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. We are studying how the oceans absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Recently, warming, acidification, and deoxigenation of the oceans are underway, and I am concerned that the ocean's carbon dioxide capacity may decrease in the future, along with the impact on marine resources. CRP Japan belongs to the ""Climate Education Group"" and would like to introduce the ocean's ability to control the global environment and the changes that are taking place in its environment, and to work together with you to create opportunities for more people to think about and act on marine and global environmental issues. We would like to work together with you to create opportunities for more people to think about and act on marine and global environmental issues.
(URL for research introduction)

澤田 智子|Tomoko Sawada
Place of residence/activity / Tokyo, Ibaraki
After watching the BBC documentary ""Earth"", I started learning about the environment. After attending multiple study groups and attaining Substainability Practioner Certificate, I joined the CRP training in 2021. As a CRP Leader, I have given presentations and hosted workshops in my workplace and outside including at universities, sometimes with guest speakers. I always try to tailor the contents for the audience, for example climate actions from a corporate standpoint for business school students, etc. I am also involved in Action Groups, planning and hosting events and study groups. It is crucial to have a community like CRP where we help each other, for me to continue the work that I do. I believe that there is always hope by expanding this circle of fellowship and by connecting with other circles as well. I am not a scientist, nor am I a technical expert. However, everyone has a role to play and there are many things we can do.I work for a German IT company on weekdays. I have always loved animals since, and even worked on educational activities to diminish slaughtering of animals.Now I support retired racing horses. When I go see the horses who have changed careers and are doing well, it inspires me to do my best too. ""Happy coexistence of nature, animals, and humans"" has been my passion and aspiration since I was a child. I would like to continue my work to realize it.

キャスリン・ライリー|Kathleen Reiley
Place of residence/activity / Kanagawa
I am a Catholic Maryknoll Sister living in Japan since 1968. I made Al Gore’s training workshop in 2019 in Tokyo. Together with another Japanese team member we have been giving mainly Zoom Climate reality workshops to church related groups. We try to spread our love for our COMMON HOME this beautiful planet earth.

宮澤 大喜|Daiki Miyazawa
Place of residence/activity / Chiba, Tokyo
Daiki is a Vice President(ESG Management)of Japan Cor Co., Ltd. a asset management company. He is currently engaged in promotion of ESG at the company as well as group company.
Before joining JapanCor Co., Ltd., he worked as senior consultant at CSR Design Green Investment Advisory, Co., Ltd.
After attending the 2019 Climate Reality Tokyo training, he is now working with the Energy Transition Group to promote and spread renewable energy.

コザック クリス|Chris Kozak
Place of residence/activity / Tokyo
Chris Kozak has been a passionate environmental educator in Japan for over twenty-five years. He holds a Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Alberta, Canada and continues to research active learning-style pedagogy incorporating the SDGs. After participating in the 2016 Climate Reality Leadership Corps in Houston, he presented at the 2019 Tokyo training. He has given presentations to international schools, Fortune 500 company executives, and mentored and trained many other Climate Reality Leaders. In his spare time, he volunteers with Amnesty International, attends music festivals, and cooks Ukrainian food.

稲垣 雅子|Masako Inagaki
Place of residence/activity / Hyogo
Masako is a logistics department staff member of a manufacturing company. She became a CRP Leader in 2020 online training, and mentor in 2021 online training. Masako lives in Kobe. She is involved in CRP Japan's Action Groups - she joined a regional group because she would like to advocate for Kobe city and act locally. Also, She is a member of the business/industry group because she would like to advocate for companies about Global warming. Also she is interested in Ocean plastics. There is still a lot of plastic waste, including one way plastics in Japan. To change the social structure, discuss with the leaders in CRP, Masako is passionate to act against climate crisis.

宇山 生朗|Ikuro Uyama
Place of residence/activity / Hokkaido, Tokyo
Born in Tokyo in 1990, Ikuro lives and works in Hokkaido. After completing graduate school (Environmental Science) and working in the environmental and nuclear power division at a construction company, he joined the Hokkaido Environment Foundation in 2016, where he was engaged in supporting local governments and businesses in Hokkaido implimenting climate change mitigation. From June 2019 to March 2022, he worked at the Zero Carbon Promotion Department of the Hokkaido Environment Bureau, where he was in charge of planning and running new projects related to climate change mitigation. In addition, he was commissioned by the Policy Bureau of the Hokkaido Government to launch and manage a government-wide policy development project on behavioral science (nudges, etc.). Through these efforts, he was awarded the Hokkaido Government Employee of the Year Award. Since 2021, he has been a member of Policy Garage, a non-profit organization that supports local governments in applying EBPM, behavioral science (nudges, etc.), and design thinking to their policies, and has been involved in joint university research and various dissemination activities. He is an advisor to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications for the creation of Regional Brand and a Zero Carbon Promotion Coordinator for the Hokkaido Economic Federation.

林 彰一/絵理|Shoichi/Eri Hayashi
Place of residence/activity / Chiba, Tokyo
The couple, Eri and Shoichi, are both trained Climate Reality Leaders. Eri runs a furniture rental business for foreigners in Minato-ku, Tokyo. The company installed a solar power generation system in the warehouse in Kisarazu, Chiba Prefecture, and consume their own electricity. This solar energy is also used to charge their electric vehicle, which runs on 100% solar power. Shoichi manages solar power plants in Sodegaura and Kisarazu, Chiba Prefecture, and also provides support to other companies as a third-type chief electrical engineer. He has established an operations base in Sodegaura, where he is also experimenting the use of recycled lead-acid batteries and solar power plants to supply power to electric vehicles and emergency power systems. In addition, they rent a small rice paddy of about about 400 square metres near the aforementioned base in Sodegaura, where they practise regenerative agriculture - plant rice by hand, use rice bran fertilizer and no pesticides, and dry the rice in the sun.

サウター・アンドリュー|Andrew Sowter
Place of residence/activity / Nara
My name is Andy Sowter. I’m an Australian living in Nara, in Western Japan, with my family. My background is both in the Environmental sciences and also as a production engineer in the mining industry. However, I’m now a university English language lecturer and have been teaching at universities since 2009. I’ve always been interested in environmental issues, but since I became an educator, I found a way to do my part to solve the climate crisis. In 2013, I was one of the first people from Japan to join the training to become a Climate Reality Leader. Since then, I have given several Climate Reality presentations and created teaching material aimed at providing students with the opportunity to learn about the climate crisis. My aim is for students to investigate the issue and, through critical thinking and exchanging opinions with other students, come to their own position about climate change. I was really happy when the Climate Reality Project (CRP) finally did training here in Japan, and I’m looking forward to exchanging ideas with other Climate Reality Leaders through the CRP Japan branch.

比嘉 麻里萌|Marimo Higa
Place of residence/activity / Okinawa
In the pamphlet "Leaving No One Behind: Understanding Climate Justice in Japan and the World" published by CRP, I delved into research focused on women, driven by a profound discomfort with societal norms.
Serving as a member of a gender equality discussion group in Nanjo City, in the southern part of Okinawa, I confront gender disparities in municipal governance while actively participating in local initiatives.
Additionally, my commitment extends to the education of future generations, as I operate a night-time nursery open to the community in Okinawa's bustling urban areas, aiming to weave the present with the future.
Together, let's build a gentler society!

チアン・ポリティー|Chheang Polity
Polity, a Cambodian science student specializing in Physics at Okayama University, Japan, is driven by a passion to make a positive impact on the planet. This drive extends beyond his academic pursuits to active engagement in environmental efforts. His significant involvement in climate action was highlighted during his internship with the Climate Reality Project (CRP) Japan, where he worked on raising awareness about climate change and co-organized educational workshops.
In addition to his academic and volunteer work, Polity is a linguaphile, which on top of Khmer, English and Japanese, he’s currently tackling French and Korean. In his downtime, he enjoys pop music, anime, and American sitcoms.
There is no Planet B. We need the collective power of humanity to unite in our efforts to safeguard our home planet for generations to come.

ジェニファ・ユミ|Jnifar Yumi
Majoring in social innovation and entrepreneurship, Yumi is an international student at Okayama University since 2020. Coming from Bangladesh, one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change, she witnessed it firsthand in her homeland.
She began her internship at CRP Japan after Mitani-san, the Program Manager of CRP Japan, held a climate education workshop at Okayama University. Her role included activities like creating social content, conducting workshops locally, to raise awareness of climate injustice.
As a Climate Reality Leader, she aims to pursue a Master's in Sustainability to continue her global efforts in combating climate change.
The future of the planet is in our hands, and only we can save our earth and ourselves.
The Climate crisis affects all lives on this planet, and each of us has become a victim and a perpetrator. Solving this large-scale and complex crisis requires all of us to work in collaboration, and thus I find hope in community-based approaches like the Climate Reality Project. I believe working to tackle the climate crisis holds the exciting potential to solve many other problems in our society.