

Letter submitted to the World Bank (2024 Annual Meetings)

This week, from 21st to 26th October, World Bank and International Monetary Fund are hosting its Annual Meetings. Yuiko Mitani, Branch Manager of the Climate Reality Project Japan is attending the meetings on the ground, with colleagues from the HQ and other international branches.

As a multilateral financial institution that provides loans and grants to governments of low- and middle-income countries to advance capital projects, the World Bank plays an important role in tackling the climate crisis amongst its diverse development agenda.

This annual meeting, which determines how World Bank funds are allocated, is of critical importance for countries around the world, especially those in the Global South, and for all of us to advance climate change action around the world.


Over the past years, The Climate Reality Project has conducted multiple campaigns for the reform of World Bank, such as our request to the former president Malpass to step downincluding our proposal to the US President Biden)and our request to the new president Banga to strengthen climate finance.

This time, for the Annual Meetings, HQ and all branches including Japan have signed and submitted the letter to World Bank. The letter summarizes our asks to World Bank, including increasing funding for climate purposes from 45% to at least 50% of its total annual financing and increase the share of funding for countries vulnerable to climate change impacts and expand equitable access, and so on. Please read the full letter from the link below.

Letter to the World Bank (English)

Letter to the World Bank (Japanese)


  • Climate Finance
  • Letter
  • Proposal
  • WorldBank